A search criteria page enables you to define specific items that you are searching for. You can specify criteria in any number of fields, and then click Submit to start the search. Some items default based on your Agent Preferences form for your convenience, but you can modify them if desired.
Property Type - Select the property type(s) you want to search.
Sale/Lease/Both - If your MLS uses transaction types: You can select Lease to search for lease listings only; Sale for sale listings only; or Both to include either sale or lease listings.
Property Subtypes - If you selected only one property type, property subtypes display automatically (if any are set up for that property type). You can select one or more subtypes, or leave blank to include all.
Amenities - To include amenities as search criteria, you must select only one property type, then click the Additional Criteria button.
Other Criteria Fields - You can further narrow your search by entering more selection criteria. (Tip: Click to read Help for an individual field.)
Buttons - When you finish entering criteria, click Submit to view your search results. Or, choose one of the following buttons:
Preview Count - Preview how many listings your search will include.
Additional Criteria - Select amenities to search on.
Statistics - Compile statistical information based on your criteria.
Exports - Export all listings matching your criteria for download.
Map - Locate all the listings on a printable map, view aerial photos of properties, and more.
Save - To save your criteria so you can use it again, use the Save Options near the bottom of the page. Type a name and click the Save button below “Save as a Saved Search.” Then view the search results by clicking “Run Search.”
Display Options - The Display Options section at the bottom of the page lets you change how the results will display for this particular search, if desired. You can specify a results format and up to three levels of sorting. (Note: These fields default based on your Agent Preferences form.) You can also choose a different format or sort order after the results display. If desired, you can select the “Include only listings with pictures” check box to narrow your search to only listings that have a picture.
See also
Starting a search after choosing your search criteria
Choose a different format for your search results