You can export listing data from the MLS and then download it to various third-party products. You can export data in bulk, or select particular listings to export. Look for the Exports button located in the following areas of the software:
on any search criteria page - Allows you to export all listings that match your search criteria. Enter your search criteria, including Additional Criteria for amenities if desired, then click Export. Choose the type of export you want from the pull-down list, and click Submit.
NOTE: This method benefits you since maximum search limits do not apply to exports. For instance, you may be able to include only a few hundred listings in search results, but you can export up to thousands of listings.
on search results - You can export some or all of the listings from your search results. Select the listings you want to export (using the check boxes in the right-hand column). Then click the Exports button, select the type of export, and click Submit.
on Listing Cart or Prospect Cart - You can export some or all of the listings in your Listing Cart, or from one of your prospect carts. Select the listings you want to export (using the check boxes in the right-hand column). Then click the Exports button, select the type of export, and click Submit.
See also
Using the search criteria page
Using the search results page buttons