Creating a CMA Package

The CMA Package software lets you create an adjustable CMA report, and pick and choose from a variety of other pages to put together a complete CMA presentation package for your client.

To begin a CMA Package

  1. Select listings you want to use for comparison by clicking in the check boxes to the right of desired listings (on any search results, Hotsheet results, Prospect Cart or Listing Cart page).

  2. Click the CMA button. Select "CMA Package" from the CMA Option pull-down field, then click Submit.

The CMA Package software opens (see picture below). This software leads you step-by-step through creating your CMA Package. The "Steps" box on the left shows you which step you are on; you can also click on a step to jump to it, if necessary.

  1. Complete the various steps in order (as needed), clicking the Next Step button when finished with each form to move through the steps. Use the following links for more details.

Step 1: Select Contact

Step 2: Select Fields

Step 3: Enter Subject Property

Step 4: Make Adjustments

Step 5: Perform Analysis

Step 6: Assemble Package