CMA Package Step 1: Select Contact

Step 1 of creating a CMA Package lets you specify the contact (i.e., client) for whom you are preparing the CMA. You can either choose one of your existing contacts, or set up a new contact on the fly. The contact's name and address will display in the final CMA Package.

To select a contact

If you have already set up the contact:

  1. Click the button next to the Contact field. A selection window containing all of your active contacts displays.

  2. Check the box next to the desired contact and click OK. The contact's information displays. (TIP: You can click the contact's name to modify his/her information, if necessary.)

  3. Click the Next Step button to continue to Step 2: Select Fields.

If you want to enter a new contact:

  1. Click "Create New Contact."

  2. Type in the contact's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you; no one else has access to your list of contacts or their information.

  3. If you want to manage your contact as a prospect (so you can set up search criteria, save listings for them, etc.), check the Manage as Prospect box. (See Setting up a prospect for details.)

  4. Click Submit. The contact's information should display in the Step 1: Select Contact form.

  5. Click the Next Step button to continue to Step 2: Select Fields.

See also

Creating a CMA Package

About contacts and prospects