CMA Package Step 3: Enter Subject Property

Step 3 of creating a CMA Package lets you enter the subject property, if any, for your CMA. If you are preparing the CMA for a potential seller, you would enter the seller's property as the subject property.

To enter the subject property

If the subject property exists as a listing in the MLS:

  1. Type in the listing number and click .

  2. Modify the property information as needed.

If the subject property is NOT a listing:

  1. Type the complete property address.

  2. Click "Validate Address for Mapping." The system attempts to obtain the geo-codes (i.e., latitude and longitude) for the property so that it can be located on a map. (TIP: You can include a map showing the locations of all selected properties in your CMA Package.)

  3. For the features listed below the address fields, enter the appropriate value or information.

To upload a picture of the subject property

  1. Click the "Upload Subject Property Picture" link.

  2. Click the Browse button, and select the desired picture. (NOTE: Must be in JPEG format. See Creating pictures that can be uploaded to the MLS for details.)

Click the Next Step button to continue to Step 4: Make Adjustments.

See also

Creating a CMA Package