CMA Package Step 4: Make Adjustments

Step 4 of creating a CMA Package enables you to compare the subject property to the listings you selected as comparable, and adjust for individual features of each comparable property in order to produce a more accurate analysis. This is an optional step. The software displays only one comparable listing at a time, to make it easier to use.

TIP: Use the "Steps" box on the left to see all the listing numbers and navigate through them. Clicking a listing number displays that listing.

This page displays a columnar format showing the subject property's information on the left, next to the comparable property's information for each feature. You may adjust the value of a comp by entering a positive or negative amount in the Adjustments column next to a particular feature.


You could type a negative amount, such as -5000, next to the Bedrooms field for a comp that has more bedrooms than your subject property. This would reduce the Adjusted Value for the comparable property by $5,000, giving a more accurate comparison with the subject property.

Click the "Next Listing" link to move to the next property (or click the listing numbers in the Steps box).

When finished making adjustments, click the Next Step button to continue to Step 5: Perform Analysis.

See also

Creating a CMA Package