Setting up a prospect involves entering the person's information as a new contact, activating the desired prospect options, and then running an initial search using the prospect's search criteria.
Another way to create a prospect is to enter search criteria in any of the search forms and save that criteria as a new prospect record.
To set up a prospect:
Choose Contacts/Prospects from the Contacts pull-down menu. Then click "Create New Contact."
Type in the person's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you; no one else has access to your list of contacts or their information.
Check the Manage as Prospect box to indicate that this contact is a prospect.
Click the button to assign the prospect to the appropriate group(s).
Optional: If you want the software to automatically add listings that match the prospect's search criteria to the cart, check the Auto-Prospecting option. Then specify to whom e-mail notifications should be sent. (Note: For any of the e-mail options that you enable, you must have valid e-mail addresses in the corresponding text fields in order for e-mail to be sent.)
Optional: If you want other MLS agents to be able to notify you when they have a listing that matches your prospect's criteria, check the Reverse Prospecting option.
Click Submit.
Optional: The Search Options page for your new contact displays. If you want to setup a search for your prospect, select the Search Type and specify a name for the search, then click Submit. If you do not want to setup a search for your prospect, click Cancel to skip this step.
If you are setting up a search, the search form displays based on the Search Type you selected. Enter your prospect's search criteria (It's best to be specific, and narrow down your search).
Click Submit. A message displays telling you how many listings matched your search. If this is too many, click Revise Criteria and narrow your search. If the number is acceptable, click Add to Prospect Cart.
See also