Creating a prospect

Setting up a prospect involves entering the prospect's information, and then running an initial search using the prospect's criteria from the Prospects page.

Another way to create a prospect is to enter search criteria in any of the search forms and save that criteria to a newly created prospect on-the-fly.

To set up a prospect:

  1. Choose Prospects from the Home page or the blue shortcut bar. Then click Create New Prospect.

  2. Type in the prospect's information. You can enter any text that will be useful for you; no one else has access to your list of prospects or their information.

  3. Optional: If you want the software to automatically add listings that match the prospect's search criteria to the cart, under Auto-Prospecting choose Add to Cart = Yes. If you would like the system to send you an e-mail message when a listing matches the prospect's criteria, choose Send E-mail to Agent = Yes. If you would like the system to send e-mail notification to your prospect, choose Send E-mail to Prospect = Yes. If you would also like the system to send a "carbon copy" e-mail notification to someone, choose Send E-mail to Cc. (These features may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.) For any of the e-mail options that you enable, you must enter valid e-mail addresses in the corresponding text fields in order for e-mails to be sent.

  4. Click Submit. The list of your prospects should display.

  5. Locate the prospect name. In the Search Format field, choose the type of search you want to use to find listings for the prospect. Or, click Set up Search.

  6. Enter the prospect's search criteria. (It's best to be specific, and narrow down your search.)

  7. Click Submit. A message displays telling you how many listings matched your search. If this is too many, click Revise Criteria and narrow your search. If the number is acceptable, click Add to Prospect Cart.

See also

Creating prospects on-the-fly

Searching for listings for a prospect

Deleting a prospect

Setting up Reverse Prospecting