Reverse Prospecting helps to connect agents who have listings, with other agents who have prospects that may be interested in those listings. Prospect information is never shared with the agent performing the search, so you can have full confidence in allowing your prospects to be included in reverse prospecting searches.
To set up your prospect’s reverse prospecting options
Click Prospects from the Home menu or the blue shortcut bar, then click your prospect’s name to access the Prospect Information form. First, be sure the prospect is Active and is a Buyer. Next, several items under the Reverse Prospecting heading need to be completed:
Set “Allow Searching” to Yes if you would like your prospects to be included in reverse prospecting searches conducted by other agents.
Set “Allow E-mail” to Yes if you would like to be contacted via e-mail by agents whose listings match your prospect’s search criteria.
Be sure to assign a “Prospect Code” to each of your prospects so that you can identify them when another agent contacts you. You can use up to six digits, alpha or numeric. For example, you may want to use your prospect’s initials and the last two digits of their ZIP code. If you do not type in a prospect code and Allow Searching has been set to Yes, the system automatically assigns one for you.
See also