Sorting listings

You can sort listings that display in any area of the software (such as search results, Listing Cart and Prospect Carts).

NOTE: When you run a search, listings are automatically sorted based on the sort options set up in your Agent Preferences form under "Searching Defaults." However, you can change the sort options for any search before or after you run it.

To sort all listings in your search results or cart

  1. Locate the Display Options box towards the bottom of the page (pictured below).

  2. Use the Sort By and Then By fields to specify how you want listings to be sorted. You can specify up to 3 levels of sorting.

  3. Click the Redisplay Page button.

NOTE: The Display Options box is also available from all search criteria screens, allowing you to specify how listings should sort before running your search.

To sort selected listings in your search results or cart

  1. Activate the Sort as Selected check box towards the top of the page.

  2. Select listings in the order you want them to sort. The software automatically numbers the listings in the order you've selected them.* (Note: You can change the numbers to the right of the listings, without re-selecting your listings, to modify the sort order if necessary.)

  3. Click the icon at the top of the column.

The listings will redisplay, sorted in the order in which they were selected.

*TIP:Sort numbers are inserted in increments based on the "Sort As Selected Increment" field in your Agent Preferences form. For example, the default increment “1” means that the first listing you select sorts as 1, the second sorts as 2, etc. This numbering makes it difficult to change the order of selected listings, however. If you change this preference to “5” or “10” instead, there will be natural gaps in the sort numbering so you can easily insert listings between other listings.

See also

Sorting listings on a report

Sorting your search results