To view your list of contacts and prospects, choose Contacts from the Contacts pull-down menu. From this page you can:
Create New Contact: Click this link to create a new contact and set them up as a prospect if desired.
Manage Newly Matched: Click this option to view and manage all of your prospects' newly matched listings in one place.
Report Options: Choosing "Contact Report" lets you generate a list of selected contacts in PDF format so it can be printed or saved to a disk. Choosing "Address Labels" lets you generate address labels for selected contacts, and print mailing labels for them using standard label stock.
Send E-mail: Click on the envelope icon below the Send column (if available) to open a new message window in your e-mail software, so you can send the contact a message.
Modify Contact Information: Click a contact's name to edit his/her information.
Enter Tasks: Click the task icon to set up a meeting or other to-do item for a contact.
View the listings in a prospect's cart by clicking one of the three numbers representing the prospect's Newly Matched, Saved, or Rejected tabs.
For each prospect that displays, you can click the plus icon (+) to view additional details and options:
Run the prospect's search manually against all listings in the MLS.
Revise the prospect's search criteria.
View the prospect's search criteria.
Delete a search for the prospect.
See also