Setting up auto-prospecting

Auto-prospecting enables the software to search automatically for newly added or changed listings that match your prospect's search criteria, put them into the prospect's cart, and even send out e-mail notification.

To set up auto-prospecting

  1. Choose Contacts/Prospects from the Contacts pull-down menu.

  2. Locate the contact you want to modify. (Tip: You can use the Search function at the top of the page to find a contact either by name or by prospect code.)

  3. Click the contact's name to open the Modify Contact Information form.

  4. Make sure the Manage as Prospect check box is selected, then locate the Prospect Options box toward the bottom of the screen (click the + symbol to expand the box it if necessary). Select the Auto-Prospecting check box. This enables the software to automatically add listings that match the prospect's search criteria to the Newly Matched tab of the cart. (Note: Make sure that the prospect's status is set to Active, and the type set to Buyer.)

  5. Optional: If you want to be notified via e-mail when listings are added to the prospect's cart, choose "Yes" in the Send E-mail to Agent field. (This feature may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.)

  6. Optional: If you want your prospect also to receive e-mail messages when listings are added, choose "Yes" in the Send E-mail to Prospect field. (Note: Requires that Send E-mail to Agent is also set to "Yes.") (This feature may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.)

  7. Optional: If you want someone else to receive "carbon copy" e-mail messages when listings are added to the prospect's cart, choose "Yes" in the Send E-mail to Cc field. (Note: Requires that Send E-mail to Prospect is also set to "Yes.") (This feature may not be available, based on your MLS's setup.)

  8. Click Submit.

IMPORTANT: You must also set up your prospect's search criteria. See Setting up a prospect for details.

See also

Saving listings for a prospect

Creating a prospect