A wide variety of listing reports are available in the MLS. The software is designed so that you must first select the listings you want to include in the report, and then choose the type of report you want and run it. In this way, it is possible to produce multiple reports using the same selection of listings.
To run a report
Search for listings or use the Hotsheet in order to obtain a list of listings. (Note: Alternately, you can open your Listing Cart or a Prospect Cart that contains listings.)
Select the listings you want to include in the report.
Click the Reports button.
Choose the type of report you want to produce from the pull-down list, and select the format (PDF or HTML), if applicable.
Click Submit.
Your report should now display. PDF reports display in the Adobe Acrobat Reader window; HTML reports display on-screen in your browser.
To print a report
From the File menu, choose Print.
In the Print dialog box, verify that the correct printer name displays. Then click OK.
See also