Using the Hotsheet

The Hotsheet enables you to view MLS activity (listing changes and additions) for a specified period of time. To access it, click "Hotsheet" in the blue shortcut bar. Once you fill in your desired criteria, just click Submit to view the results.

TIP: Some Hotsheet criteria fields default based on your agent preferences. You can save time by setting up your preferences with the desired criteria, and then whenever you access the Hotsheet the criteria will be filled in automatically.

On the Hotsheet Results page:

The Hotsheet lists the different change types separately, such as New Listings, Expired, Back on Market, etc. Your sort options determine how the listings sort within each change type.

You can select listings by clicking in their check boxes in the right-hand column. The buttons at the bottom of the page give you options for what you can do with the selected listings. (For details, see Search results page buttons)