Entering sold information

You can enter sold information on a listing by selecting Status Information on the Revise Listing menu.

To do this, from the Listings pull-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings. Next to the appropriate listing number, click the Revise icon , and then click Status Information. In the Status field select "Sold," then enter the appropriate sold information and click Submit.

If you receive an error message
Your MLS may have rules set up preventing certain statuses from being changed to Sold. If you see an error message regarding this, you may need to change the listing to another status first (such as Pending), before changing it to Sold.

NOTE: The ability to enter sold information is based on access rights. If you do not see the menu item Status Information, then you have not been assigned the corresponding access right. For more information or to request this access right, contact your broker.

See also

Modifying another agent's listing