You can use Reverse Prospecting to match listing data against prospects’ search criteria and find prospects who might be interested in your listings. You can run a reverse prospecting search based on an actual listing, or on any listing data you choose.
From the Contacts pull-down menu, or from the Revise Listing menu, choose Reverse Prospecting.
To search based on a listing
Select a listing number from the My Listings pull-down list to automatically fill in the search form with your listing's information. Or, type a listing number into the Listing Number box, and click Get Info.
To increase the likelihood of finding matching prospects, you should “uncheck” some of the criteria by deselecting check boxes to the left of fields you want to remove from your search.
Click Submit to start your search, or click Preview Count to see how many prospects match your search.
TIP: You may want to run the search several times using different criteria. For example, some prospects' search criteria may be based on ZIP code, while others are based on City. Also, be sure to uncheck any fields that are not pertinent to your search. For instance, you might remove School District to be sure you locate prospects, whether or not they specified School District in their search requirements.
To search based on hypothetical listing information
Enter the information you want to base your search on (such as city, price and bedrooms). The left-hand check boxes should be selected next to criteria fields you want to match.
Click Submit to start your search, or click Preview Count to see how many prospects match your search.
See also