You can use the reverse prospecting results to contact the agents whose prospects' criteria matched your listing data. The agent’s name, phone number, e-mail address (if available) and office display right on the search results screen.
Contacting agents via e-mail
An E-mail button, located on the reverse prospecting search results screen, allows you to quickly contact agents, letting them know which of their prospects' criteria matched your listing. The e-mail button is only available if your search was based on one of your own listings, and if you have selected at least one, but not more than 20 prospects.
When the E-mail button is available, a link to "Edit E-mail Note" is also visible. Click this link if you want to modify the text that is included in the e-mail messages.
To send e-mail to agents in your search results place a checkmark in the box to the right of each agent (not more than 20 at a time) you want to contact, then click the E-mail button. Your messages are automatically sent.
Creating a report from your search results
You can print a report from your search results. The Reverse Prospecting report contains all the information you need to contact agents that appear in your results. Place a checkmark in the box to the right of each agent you want to include, or click the Check All button to automatically check all agents in your search results. Then click the Report button at the top or bottom of the search results page to generate the report.
See also
Setting up Reverse Prospecting
Running a Reverse Prospecting Search