You can view and manage all of your prospects' newly matched listings in one place. The Manage Newly Matched feature enables you to quickly decide to save or reject listings for prospects, one after another. Any listing you save or reject becomes part of the appropriate prospect's Saved or Rejected tab, as applicable. This is the most efficient way to manage your auto-prospecting results.
To view the Manage Newly Matched page
Choose Prospects from the Home page or the blue shortcut bar.
Locate the Manage Newly Matched link and click it. If the link is gray, then there are no new matches for your prospects' search criteria and the link cannot be clicked.
On the Manage Newly Matched page you can view a complete list of prospects who have new listings that match their search criteria.
Locate the Plus icon (+) to the left of a desired prospect's name and click it.
All of the newly matched listings for that prospect are displayed. You can use the two check boxes next to each listing to either Save or Reject that listing. Alternately, you can click the Check All link above either column of check boxes to quickly save or reject all of the listings currently displayed you've chosen to save or reject some or all of your prospects' listings, click the Refresh button.
Any remaining listings will display or if there are no more newly matched listings left, your Prospects page will display.
See also