Since this is an Internet-based system, the keystrokes and mouse actions that you use to get around on any Web site work the same way in the MLS. Here are some helpful tips for getting around in the MLS.
Home page -- The Home page displays as soon as you log on to the MLS (after you read any notices that might display). Everything in the MLS can be accessed from the Home page. Just click an underlined item to jump to that area of the software.
You can return to the Home page at any time by clicking "Home" in one of the blue shortcut bars.
Shortcut bars -- Shortcut bars display at the top and bottom of nearly every page in the system. The tan-colored "Search" bar lets you quickly start any kind of listing search. The blue shortcut bars contain links to various areas of the software. Click an underlined item (hypertext link) in order to jump to that area.
To move up and down in a page -- Use the scroll bar (by dragging the gray button along the edge of the window), or press the Page Up and Page Down keys, in order to view all the information on a page.
To go back -- To return to the previous page, click the Back button on your browser toolbar.
To move between fields -- Press the Tab key on your keyboard to move the cursor to the next field. Press Shift+Tab to move the cursor back to the previous field.
TIP: For details on how to get around in the MLS, you can view the multimedia tutorial titled "Getting Started." (To access, click Tutorial on the Help menu.)
See also