You can use the Copy Pictures interface to view all of the pictures for a specific listing and select the ones you want to copy to your revised listing. This feature is extremely useful if you are entering multiple, similar listings that use the same pictures.
To copy a picture from one listing to another
From the Listings pull-down menu, choose View/Revise Your Listings.
Next to the appropriate listing number, click the Revise icon , and then choose Copy Pictures.
In the From Listing# field, enter the listing number you want to copy pictures from.
Review all of the pictures for the listing and select the pictures you want to copy by activating the check boxes next to each picture.
Click Submit to copy the selected pictures to your listing.
To add descriptions for the new picture(s), choose Manage Pictures, enter the desired text and then click Submit.
Optionally, you can choose View Listing Detail to view your listing with the newly added picture(s) and description(s).