Use the Address Search fields to find listings based on partial or complete address information. There is one set of address fields on the Address Search page; to enter multiple addresses, click the Additional Addresses link.
In the Street # field, enter a specific number or the beginning number for a range of addresses. In the Street # Thru field, type the end of the street number range you want to search.
Enter a Unit # if applicable.
Specify the Direction (for example: North, East, etc.) you want to search.
Enter the Street Name and specify:
Begins with matches listings whose street names begin with the text you entered.
Contains matches listings whose street names contain the text you entered.
Exact matches listings whose street names match the text you entered.
Select the street Suffix (for example: Avenue, Road, etc.).
Specify the Post Direction you want to search. Use this field when a direction follows a street name (for example: Miller Street South).