Changing the order of property pictures

For listings that have more than one picture, the pictures sort based on the Display Order field. The picture with the lowest number (such as "1") is the picture that displays on flyers, in the MLS book, and in the first position in online displays.

To change the order of property pictures for a listing, from the Revise Listing menu, click Manage Pictures. Modify the Display Order field beneath each picture as desired, and then click Submit.

NOTE: By default, pictures sort in the order you upload them. In other words, the first picture you upload for a listing is automatically assigned Display Order = 1; the second picture is assigned Display Order = 2; and so on.

TIP: You may need to click the "Reload Page" link (in the bottom blue bar) after modifying property pictures, if your changes do not appear to take effect.

See also

Uploading a property picture

Deleting a property picture

Revising your listings