Rapattoni Corporation offers several training tools to help you learn to get the most out of your MLS software.
The Help pull-down menu offers:
Feature Spotlights
These multimedia demonstrations present a quick overview of highlighted software features. To access: From the Help pull-down menu, choose Feature Spotlights and click the title you want to view.
Online Help
The Online Help offers a search function that lets you locate information easily.
Tips for New Users
If you're new to the MLS, this condensed guide to using the MLS software will get you started.
Printable Documentation
The Printable Documentation gives you the entire text of the Online Help in a printable chapter format, for those who prefer a paper reference guide. (Note: This document is updated frequently.)
In addition, many areas of the MLS contain context-sensitive Help links. Click a question mark next to a field to view detailed information about that field.
NOTE: Your MLS may also schedule live training sessions you could attend. Contact your MLS staff for more information.