Your MLS system has been designed with speed of performance as the highest priority.
Nevertheless, there are many factors that affect how fast a specific computer can perform on the Internet. Below are some suggestions for improving MLS performance speed on your computer:
Run the Disk Defragmenter utility: The simplest method for enhancing your computer's performance is to "tune up" your hard drive(s) using the disk utilities provided in Windows. To do this, from the Start pop-up menu choose Programs, Accessories, System Tools. Click on Disk Defragmenter, specify your hard drive letter, and click OK to run the utility. If you have more than one hard drive, repeat for the other drive. Running Disk Defragmenter can increase the speed at which your computer can access data on the hard drive. (TIP: Make sure you have a backup of all your important documents and data before running this utility, in order to avoid the small possibility of losing valuable files in the process.)
Consider adding more RAM to your computer: If you notice that your computer runs slowly especially when you have multiple programs open (such as Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook), adding more RAM (random access memory) would definitely improve your computer's performance. If your computer has less than 128MB of RAM, try increasing it to at least that amount. This is the least expensive and most effective type of hardware upgrade you can purchase.
Use a faster modem: If your computer seems to operate quickly but your Internet experience is slow, it is probably your Internet connection that is causing the problem. Try replacing your modem with one that can transfer up to 56,000 bits of data per second (i.e., a 56K modem). It is recommended that you use a 56K modem made by 3com or US Robotics. A faster modem can give you a noticeable improvement in online performance speed.
Improve your Internet connection: If you already have a 56K modem and it is still too slow for you, consider getting a cable or DSL modem connection. Both of these can offer vastly improved speed compared to a 56K modem for a monthly fee of around $40. Internet connections at this speed allow you to move from page to page in the MLS system almost instantly. Contact your local cable or telephone company for details.