CMA Package Step 5: Perform Analysis

Step 5 of creating a CMA Package allows you to recommend a listing price for the subject property. This page shows you several statistics (in red) to help back up an informed decision, based on the comparable adjusted listings. The software does not make a recommendation; you must type in the price or price range you choose.

To complete the analysis

  1. Type your recommended price or price range for the subject property in the Suggested Price or Range field. (TIP: Type the exact text you want to print on your CMA report, including a dollar sign, if desired.)

  2. If you want to add another listing as a comparable, you can. Type the listing number in the Listing # field and click the Add button.

  3. If you want to make additional adjustments to a comparable listing, click its "Revise" link.

  4. If you want to remove a listing from your CMA report, click the "Delete" link to the right of the unwanted listing.

  5. If you want to change the order the listings will print on the CMA report, change the numbers in the Sort column and click the Refresh button.

Click the Next Step button to continue to Step 6: Assemble Package.

See also

Creating a CMA Package