The Custom Search lets you set up your own search template. You can choose just the criteria fields you want, and specify the order those fields should display.
To set up your Custom Search: You can set up or modify your Custom Search using the Custom Search Preferences form. To access this form, click the Revise Custom Search Preferences hyperlink at the top of the Custom Search, or from the Personal menu choose Custom Search Preferences.
Setting up your Custom Search is a two-step process. First you select the basic fields you want to use as criteria; then you can select the amenity fields you want to include for each property type.
Step 1: Select the basic fields
Display Order: For each field you want to include, type a number to indicate its display order. For example, if you want the Property Types field to be at the top of your search, give it the lowest Display Order number.
NOTE: If you fill in the Display Order for a field, the software automatically checks its On/Off box.
On/Off: Check this box for each field you want to include.
Check All/Uncheck All: If desired, you can click this button to alternately select or deselect all the possible fields, with default display orders. Then you can manually adjust these choices.
Step 2: Select amenities
To specify amenities, you must select at least one basic field. Then at the bottom of the page, select a property type, and click the Amenities button. Specify your desired amenities and their display order, then click Submit. This takes you back to the Custom Search Preferences page, where you can repeat this process for another property type, if desired.
NOTE: If you do not specify amenities for a particular property type, the Custom Search will offer ALL possible amenities for that property type.
To save your Custom Search, click Submit.
See also