Managing your saved searches

You can manage your saved searches in the Manage Saved Searches form. Click Saved Searches (in the tan Search bar at the top of each page), then scroll to the very bottom and click Manage My Searches.

In the Manage Saved Searches form, you can:

View your saved searches -- The form lists all of your saved searches, including the saved criteria.

Delete a search -- Click the Delete check box to the right of any search you want to remove, and click Submit.

Rename a search -- To change the name of a search, modify the text and then click Submit.

Run a search -- To start a search, click Run next to the desired search.

Revise a search -- To revise a search, click Revise next to the desired search. Change the criteria, then click the Save button near the bottom left corner of the page. When the confirmation message displays, click Continue.

Choose whether to display a search or not -- Check the On/Off box next to any search that you want to display in the Saved Searches pull-down list. Uncheck the box if you do not want a search to display.

Sort the searches -- Change the sort order of the searches in this form by selecting either By Name or By Display Order at the bottom of the form, then clicking Submit.

Specify the order you want searches to display -- For each search, type a number in the Display Order field to indicate its display order. For example, if you want the "2-Story Condo" search to be at the top of your list, give it the lowest Display Order number.

NOTE: If you fill in the Display Order for a field, the software automatically checks its On/Off box.

Check All/Uncheck All: You can click this button (on the left-hand side of the form) to alternately select or deselect all saved searches. The display order fills in automatically based on the sort option that is selected. Then you can manually adjust these choices, if desired.

See also

Saving a search