If your MLS has installed this report: The Adjustable CMA report enables you to compare a subject property to any number of listings you select as comparable, and adjust for individual features of each comparable property in order to produce a more accurate analysis.
The report also enables you to enter a client’s name and contact information, a suggested sales price or range, and comments. This information prints on a report cover page, to give the report a professional-looking presentation.
To run an Adjustable CMA report
Select listings you want to use as comparables by clicking in the check boxes to the right of desired listings (on any search results, Hotsheet results, Prospect Cart or Listing Cart page).
Click the Reports button. Select "Adjustable CMA" from the Reports pull-down field, then click Submit.
If the subject property is an existing listing in the MLS, type the listing number in the Listing # field and click Submit. When the property information fields are filled in, review for accuracy and make any necessary changes.
If the subject property is NOT an MLS listing, skip the Listing # field and manually enter the property information in the appropriate fields. (Note: You do not have to complete every field.)
When the property information fields are correct, click the Continue button.
The next page displays a columnar format showing the subject property on the left, next to the comparable properties. You may adjust the value of a comp by entering a positive or negative amount next to a particular field of information.
Example: You could type a negative amount, such as -5000, next to the Bedrooms field for a comp that had more bedrooms than your subject property. This would reduce the Adjusted Value for the comp property by $5,000, giving a more accurate comparison with the subject property.
Press Tab to move from field to field; click the Next link (to the right of each row of properties) to move to the next row of properties. Doing this causes the software to recalculate the Adjusted Value fields based on your entries.
When you have made all necessary adjustments to the comparable properties, click the End link or scroll down to the bottom of the page. Fill in the client information fields, a comment if desired, and your suggested market value for the subject property. This information prints on a report cover page, along with your agent contact information. (Note: Type the suggested market value exactly as you would like it to appear -- the software does not reformat your text.)
Click the Print button. The report displays, and you can print it by choosing File, Print and then clicking OK.
NOTE: The report may not line up properly if your browser is set to display large text sizes. To adjust this, from the browser menu bar choose View, Text Size and select Medium.
See also