If your MLS has set up a multi-family property type: You can enter individual unit information for a listing such as a duplex, apartment building or other multi-family property.
To enter a listing with unit information
From the Home page choose Listings, Enter New Listing.
Select the appropriate multi-family property type. On the listing input form, complete all required (red) fields, and additional information fields as appropriate.
When you have filled in the listing input form, click Submit.
In the Modify Unit Detail, enter a Unit Description for the first unit as well as any additional information in the fields provided.
Click Continue to display the Unit Management page where you can review the information you just entered. You can add additional unit information by clicking Create New Unit.
Continue repeating steps 4 and 5 until you have entered information for each unit in the listing. Once you've completed this, click Exit Unit Management.
The listing input is now complete. If you need to modify or add unit information for your listing, choose Unit Management from the Revise Listing menu.
NOTE: Entering individual unit detail is available only if your MLS has chosen to enable this option for the property-type you've selected.
See also