Exhibitor Opportunities

If you are a person or business who would like to get your product or service out to the real estate community, then you should be an exhibitor! Exhibiting is a great way to expose your business to the highly influential real estate community! At EXPO 2001 Celebrate the Old Pueblo, attendees and exhibitors will interact with each other in an all day event that's worthwhile, exciting and fun! Most of our exhibitors return year after year to take advantage of this great event, so if you've never been an exhibitor, why not make our 10th annual EXPO your first!


Interested? Let us answer all your questions...


How do I reserve my booth space?

1. Select booth choice from the exhibitor diagram.


2. Print out and complete the exhibitor application* including your preferred booth choice(s). All booths are reserved on a first come first served basis.


3. Attach payment to the application. Reservations are not guaranteed until full payment is received.


4. Return completed application to:


Tucson Association of REALTORS®

1622 N. Swan Rd.

Tucson, AZ 85712


Fax to: (520) 322-6613


* The exhibitor application is in the Adobe PDF format. To download the free reader click here.



How much do booths cost?

Premium-Double Booth ~ $600

Standard-Double Booth ~ $525

Premium-Single Booth ~ $375

Standard-Single Booth ~ $325


Returning Exhibitors from Expo 2000 receive a "Welcome Back" discount of $25.


The Earlybird Deadline to reserve booths is August 10th, 2001. 

After August 10th, add $50 to booth cost.



What do I get with my booth?

10' x 10' Booth space

8' Black drape

3' Side drape

8' Topped and skirted table

2 Chairs


Sign with your company name



What if I have more questions?

Contact us or visit the photo album of last year's EXPO to get an idea of what an exciting experience an EXPO can be!




The official decorator and service contractor is: 

Arizona Cine Equipment, Inc. 

2125 E. 20th St.

Tucson, AZ 85719

Phone: (520)623-8268

Fax: (520)623-1092