Expo 2000

    a real estate


October 11, 2000

Tucson Convention Center



  The Largest Real Estate Trade Show in AZ!

  Exhibitor  Information!

            Exhibitor Contract

  Be A Sponsor!

  Educational Classes Information!

            Mastering E-Marketing

            Understanding Appraisers and Appraisals

  Email Us!










The Largest Real Estate Trade Show in Arizona! 


The Real Estate Expo returns from last year's huge success with brighter opportunities for exhibitors to interact with the greatest number of real estate professionals in the state of Arizona!

This huge event provides real estate professionals and those interested in the business an opportunity to network and interact with other professionals and gather information about the many products and services available in the industry. There are over 7,000 licensed agents in the Southern Arizona area and over 37,000 in the state. The Tucson Association of REALTORS® is made up of approximately 3,800 members and affiliates who are active in the real estate profession.

Expo 2000  is a not-to-be-missed opportunity open to anyone interested in the business of real estate!


Take a look at some of the reasons why this exciting event will be the best ever!!      


                        FREE Admission for ALL show goers

                                                                                         Marketing to ALL of Arizona

     Established Following...LARGEST Real Estate Trade Show in Arizona

                                                                                                                         EDUCATIONAL Classes

                                 Best Booth PRIZES

                                                                                                      FUN for all who attend!








The Tucson Association of REALTORS presents... Expo 2000 a real estate odyssey   -   October 11, 2000   -   Tucson Convention Center







Exhibitor Information!



How to Reserve a Booth Space


1. Select booth choice from the diagram below.

2. Complete the Exhibitor contract (available here in Adobe PDF Format ) including preferred booth choice(s). (All booths are reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.)

3. Attach payment to the contract. (Reservations are not  guaranteed until full payment is received.)

4. Return completed contract and payment to:


Tucson Association of REALTORS®
1622 N. Swan Road
    Tucson, AZ 85712 or Fax to: (520)322-6613 


Booth Inventory

10 x10 Booth Inventory


--> (1) 8 Back Drape (teal, gold, royal blue, silver & plum)

--> (1) 3 Side Drape (royal blue)

--> (1) 8 Topped & Skirted Table

--> (2) Chairs

--> (1) Wastebasket

--> (1) Vendor ID Sign

The official decorator and service contractor is:

Arizona Cine Equipment, Inc.

2125 E. 20th Street Tucson, Arizona 85719

Phone: (520)623-8268 Fax: (520)623-1092

Deadlines and Costs


-- Premium/Double Booth   $575 --

-- Double Booth   $500 --

-- Premium Booth   $350 --

-- Standard Booth   $300 --


Earlybird Deadline September 1

Returning Exhibitors from Expo 99 receive a Welcome Back discount of $25.

After September 1, 2000, add $50 to booth cost

Program Advertising

Must be camera-ready. Contact the Expo Coordinator for acceptable advertising formats.

  Business Card ..........................................3 w x 2 h

  1/4 page ..................................................5 w x 6 1/2 h

  1/2 pagehorizontal ..............................10 1/4 w x 6 1/2 h

  1/2 pagevertical...................................5 w x 12 1/2 h

  Full page .................................................10 1/4 w x 12 1/2 h

Advertising deadline, September 1, 2000


Contact the Tucson Association of REALTORS® for more information 

on anything here at (520) 327-4218








The Tucson Association of REALTORS presents... Expo 2000 a real estate odyssey   -   October 11, 2000   -   Tucson Convention Center







Be A Sponsor!


Emblazon your name on banners and posters for all show goers to see!


Silver ($1,000) One premium exhibitor space, 1/2 page ad in the program, name mention in the program and on signs and banners

Gold ($2,000) Double premium exhibitor space, 1 full page ad in the program, name mention in the program and on signs and banners

Platinum ($3,000) Double premium exhibitor space, 2 full page ads in the program, name mention in the program and on signs and banners


 ...or sponsor the following:









The Tucson Association of REALTORS presents... Expo 2000 a real estate odyssey   -   October 11, 2000   -   Tucson Convention Center







Educational Classes!


Expand your knowledge of real estate and be inspired by our incredible speakers by attending the seminar and the class that will be offered at the Expo 2000


     -Mastering E-Marketing


     -Understanding Appraisers and Appraisals 



(Class information is available in the Adobe .PDF format. To get the free reader click here.)













  Get the FREE Adobe  Acrobat  Reader  Plug-in  for your browser to be able to  read our .PDF forms and documents, here!







The Tucson Association of REALTORS presents... Expo 2000 a real estate odyssey   -   October 11, 2000   -   Tucson Convention Center