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Property or Agent Photos must be in JPG (jpeg) format
Sketches and plat maps must be in PCX format
For best results, photos/sketches/maps should be in horizontal/landscape format (wider than tall). A ratio of 1/3 wider than tall will help to avoid cropping the picture (i.e. 4 inches wide by 3 inches tall or any other size 1/3 wider than tall).
Recommended size in pixels 800 x 600 to 1204 x 768
Name each file with the MLS# that it represents (i.e. 9812345.jpg) or in the case of submitting an agent photo, name the file with your agent number.
If you submit more than one photo for the same MLS#, append a letter to the end of the MLS# for each photo (i.e. 9812345a.jpg, 9812345b.jpg, 9812345c.jpg, etc.). Make sure they are alphabetically in the order you want them to appear on the system.
A total of 8 photos are permitted per MLS#. If TAR/MLS already has one photo for your property that you wish to keep, you may only submit 7 additional photos. Only one photo is permitted per agent.
If you wish to replace the existing MLS or agent photo, please specify so in your e-mail message.
Any photo submitted to TAR/MLS becomes the property of TAR/MLS and TAR/MLS is therefore granted all rights of reproduction. If you are submitting a photo for which someone else owns the copyright, the copyright holder must assign all rights to TAR/MLS for reproduction.
If all rights are not being given to TAR/MLS, DO NOT SUBMIT THE PHOTO.
If you have any questions about the above information, please e-mail [email protected]
Send your photos/sketches/maps to:
[email protected]
Copyright 2000 Tucson Association of REALTORS® and Multiple Listing Service, Inc.